The Energy of Success
How successful are you?
To answer that question you might have to take a step back first. Success is one of those words that can be a bit confrontational for some and bring up interesting emotions for others.
For example, having been raised in a very religious household, I recognize in myself a bit of a negative reaction towards success. Success was something that was frowned upon and even more so, the ambition to be successful.
But what is the actual definition of success?
Success=The accomplishment of an aim, purpose or goal
Ultimately, success is something that you define for yourself based on your values, passions, and goals. And it looks most likely very different for you than for someone else.
Now back to the question: How successful are you?
Your answer might be 'very successful' or 'not at all'. In both cases it seems like you have at least clarity about your goal or purpose. You know where you are going. When you are considering yourself to be successful, you probably have taken conscious actions towards your goal, and those have moved you in the right direction. But maybe those actions weren't moving the needle, or there were too many obstacles and you got stuck and stopped taking any steps. And that might the reason why your answer is 'not at all successful'.
If you have answered the question with either of those 2 options ('very successful' or 'not at all'), I want to congratulate you. Because you know where you want to be. You have thought about your goal and purpose and you have some definition of success for yourself. You are half way there, even if at this moment you are not where you want to be.
Having clarity about who you are, what your purpose or goals are is the first step to success.
Finding your purpose and defining your Goals
Purpose, in its essence, is the guiding star that illuminates our path in life. It's the core of who we are and what we're meant to do. For conscious leaders, understanding their purpose is not only personally fulfilling but also essential for leading with authenticity and effectiveness.
To find your purpose and define your goals, you must embark on a journey of self-exploration that takes you beneath the surface of your conscious thoughts and desires. This journey involves exploring your values, beliefs, and the experiences that have shaped you. It requires introspection and deep reflection.
The goals that emerge from this deep self-exploration are powerful, as they align with one's authentic self. They are not superficial ambitions but rather objectives that resonate with the very essence of who you are as a person and as a leader. This alignment brings a sense of purpose and clarity that can be experienced as a driving force in your professional and personal life.
When leaders (or anyone really) define their goals in this way, their actions become congruent with their values. This authenticity is a cornerstone of conscious leadership, as it fosters trust, engagement, and loyalty within your teams. It also instills a sense of meaning and fulfillment in your work and in your life overall.
Working towards your goals and taking the necessary steps to achieve them
When taking steps towards your goals it is not just about knowing what needs to be done; it's also about harnessing the right energy and overcoming internal obstacles like limiting beliefs and the inner critic.
To embark on the path of goal achievement, one must recognize the importance of energy. Goals are not mere destinations; they are journeys that demand effort and perseverance. Anabolic energy fuels the growth and progress required to achieve your goals.
In fact everything we do requires Energy. We need Energy to take a first step towards our goal and we need even more energy to stay the course, to overcome obstacles and to not get bucked down by failure along the way.
If you haven't reached your goals yet and you are not sure if you ever will, then consider the possibility that your own energy is getting in the way. Internal barriers can suck the energy needed for goal pursuit.
What Coaching can do for you
Powerful Coaches will help you to achieve your goals and enjoying the steps towards them. It is that simple.
It is very difficult for one self to take an inquisitory look under the surface. And that is exactly what you need to do to 1) get clarity about your purpose and your goals 2) taking powerful and consistent actions towards them.
Self-exploration is the key to unlocking your full potential. Aligning your goals with your authentic selves. Overcoming internal obstacles like limiting beliefs and the inner critic through self-awareness, reframing, and energy management is fueling powerful and aligned actions.
If your answer to my question "how successful are you?" was anything but a convinced "I'm very successful", then there is a fair chance you are not living up to your full potential and a Coach would be an investment worth while.
Your Return on investment? Energy Coaching is result driven. Your ROI will be measured by the achievement of your goals and your joy and satisfaction while doing so.